DIBF’s General Statutes and Internal Regulations serve as the foundations of DIBF’s mission and define the institutional structures and bodies required to pursue it.
Over the years these structures have undergone multiple changes and adjustments in order to ensure a governance structure that is adapted to the realities of basketball and global sporting and political environment at any given time. However, the core principles and structures, first defined when DIBF was founded back in 2002, remain in place to this very day.
This includes placing DIBF’s core membership, the National Deaf Sports Federations and National Deaf Basketball Associations, at the very heart of the governance of the sport. Collectively, with equal voting rights, they form DIBF’s supreme authority, the DIBF Congress.
Thus directly or indirectly, all persons, structures and decisions of DIBF are dependent on the National Deaf Sports Federations and National Deaf Basketball Associations. This includes entities that have been central to DIBF’s activities:
• DIBF Central Board
• DIBF Zones
• DIBF Commissions
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