GREECE – The sixth DIBF World Congress was held at the Galaxy Hotel in Heraklion, Greece, on 18 June 2023. 27 delegates from 18 countries attended. For the first time in its history, the DIBF World Congress was broadcast live, with the aim of providing knowledge and motivation to the interested people from all over the world outside the Congress through a transparent Congress.

The DIBF thankful warmly the Hellenic Sports Federation of the Deaf for the hosting Congress and World Championships that organised very well. The 27 delegates from 18 countries, the ICSD representative, the DIMBF President and the observers were present, unfortunately 2 registered countries did not come for various reasons.

The DIBF World Congress was opened by President Ioannis Stoufis. He gave an opening speech and thanked the Central Board, especially Secretary General Jürgen Endress, for the great work and collaboration during the last four years, which were very difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After the pandemic, our basketball events, for example the World Cup with a new sport of 3×3, the various championships and cups, the youth camps, the referee clinics, etc., got back on track and were very moving. This is particularly appreciated by the Central Board as well as their Zone Boards.

Jürgen Endress, Secretary General, led the Congress which ran very smoothly and excellently. Some important points on the agenda were very interesting, the impressive reports from the Board and the Zones, the proposals for the General Statutes and the election of the Central Board for the term of 2023-2027. On a positive note, all the proposals of the Central Board were approved by a full majority.

The second class, the DIBF Hall of Fame 2023, has been honored to Cecilia Ferm (SWE, Player), Robertas Puzinas (LTU, Player), David Hamilton (USA, Player), Novica Matic (SWE, Coach), Algimantas Satas (LTU, Coach) and Hsin-Ta Lee (TPE, Referee).

Immediately after the Hall of Fame honor, the Central Board recognized Jürgen Endress for his hard work in the last 8 years as DIBF Secretary General by presenting him with a certificate of appreciation. There were several interesting questions and discussions, the DIBF got the new branding balls from Molten with the DIBF logo, also debates about the bidding procedures, the activities plans, the new idea of the “Trost Trophy”, etc.

Ioannis Stoufis from Greece was re-elected as the President and Yaakov Keren from Israel also re-elected as the Treasurer. Dario Pignataro, Italy and Touria Ouahid-Boren, United States of America were elected as the Members of the Central Board. The Secretary General, Jürgen Endress, Germany, was reappointed by the Central Board immediately after the Congress for the next 4 years.